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Time Sync Tool San Andreas - реальное а не виртуальное время в игре

Добавлено: 21 фев 2019, 20:58
TimeSync Tool v1.0 для GTA San Andreas


Описание файла TimeSync Tool v1.0:
  • Программа синхронизирует время у вас на пк и в игре.
    Внимание! Запускаем прогу - ничего не трогаем, запускаем игру!
What this tool does is modify the clock in GTA:SA to provide real time play. To use it simply run the tool, and then run GTA:SA, though it is possible to do it the other way round if you decide you want real time in the middle of your game.

It works by accessing the GTA:SA ram, disabling the games clock update routines, and setting the time accordingly. You can also adjust the timezone you want the game to be in.

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